The baby room caters for six children under the age of 2 years. The children are encouraged to develop strong attachments with the staff and this in turn enables the children to self access the activities. This develops their confidence and their self esteem. The daily routine that the child has established at home is upheld until the child becomes familiar with the nursery. This includes sleeping and feeding patterns. The baby room focuses on sensory play. There are several treasure baskets which the babies can access and these are rotated according to the ages and stages of the babies in the room.
The black and white area is mainly used by children under the age of 1. It provides a cosy area with treasure baskets, filled with black and white household items, which help stimulate their brain.
The self choice trolley provides more treasure baskets for the older children to self access and include a variety of natural materials, cosy blankets to snuggle up with, instruments and puzzles. Again these are rotated regularly.
The cot room provides a cot for each child. Parents are asked to provide home comforts such as a soft toy, comfort blankets or dummies which will help the child to settle into this new environment.
There are several interactive displays in this room which include a colour display which is changed monthly, a daily timetable and number pots. The homecorner has basic equipment to encourage role play.